13. Can Marfà

Passatge Can Marfà, 1

Can Marfà is the exhibition area of Mataró Museum that is dedicated to the knitwear industry.

In the 19th century, the arrival of steam technology in the factories and the train that connected Mataró with Barcelona consolidated Mataró as one of the most important industrial cities in Catalonia.

One of the testimonies that the city preserves of that period is the Can Marfà factory architectural ensemble, formed by two warehouses built in Manchester style between 1880 and 1881. Can Marfà was the most important knitwear factory in Spain for the quantity and quality of its product (basically underwear) and for the number of workers who depended on it (about 1,500).

This space housed up to 22 sets of looms, reels and all kinds of sewing machines, as the factory covered the entire production process, from spinning to making up.

Its products were marketed throughout Spain and were also exported to Europe and America.

Can Marfà was the most emblematic factory in Mataró. Its siren became the clock that set the rhythm for the city.

Today, the small three-storey warehouse of the old factory houses the permanent display: “Mataró, capital of knitwear.” Come in! You can take a tour of the manufacturing process and the historical evolution of this industry.

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