20. La Farmàcia Spà

Plaça de Santa Maria, 3

Right opposite the façade of Santa Maria you can see a rather special pharmacy cross. It was commissioned in 2001 by Ramon Spà i Vera to the artist from Mataró Rafel Codina i March to celebrate the establishment’s 300th anniversary.

It is a framework of wrought irons that hold a glass cube with a light inside and with the red cross drawn on each face. At the top it presents a ceramic pharmacy pot decorated with the dates of the premises: 1701-2001. And a copper snake, the symbol of pharmacies, embraces the whole picture.

In fact, before that date, as early as 1635, a medicines shop appears in this same place, which Tomás Spà, the first of an eight-generation saga, started to run in 1701. This establishment obeyed the scheme of a house plus store, which allowed for a constant and uninterrupted pharmacy service.

If you have the chance to take a look, the wooden furniture of the showcases and the counter from the ancient pharmacy are still preserved, as well as an important collection of old bottles, utensils and instruments.

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